Providing best practices towards prevention, education and choice related to breast cancer among African American Women.




We are here to:

Are you a Thriver,

Advocate or Mentor? 

ICAN.Sir! Is for you!   Engage in fun and educational activities, Share your experience, Learn from others, Build a community, Validate your experience and concerns.

Live Your Best "ICAN" Life!

Living My Best ICAN Life! Journal

Live Your Best "ICAN" Life! Use this 120 page journal to begin your healing journey, catapult you through your healing journey, or stabilize yourself as you go through your healing journey.

(Proceeds support African American women who have been affected by breast cancer).

How are you Thriving?

  • Breast Cancer was the diagnosis God chose to get my attention! After engaging in medical protocols I leaned into healthy eating, physical fitness, alleviating stress and strengthening my relationship with God. I also gave up the title “strong” woman and opted for sufficient grace and rest in all things! 2 Corinthians 12:9-10 And He said to me, “My grace is sufficient for you, for My strength is made perfect in weakness.” Therefore most gladly I will rather boast in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me.

    Dola Williams

  • Facing a breast cancer diagnosis was an unimaginable challenge, yet it led me to an extraordinary victory. I consider myself not merely a survivor but a vibrant testament to life itself. My journey has been a miraculous answer to countless prayers, a living proof of divine grace. The loss of my breast transformed into an enlightening experience, birthing a renewed sense of hope, transformation, and a profound path forward. In this journey, I discovered an awakening that reshaped my existence, reminding me of the incredible strength and beauty of life's trials.

    Carlai Moore

About Us

Our focus is to address breast cancer among African American women in Wyandotte County. Our pillars are Prevention, Education, and Choice.

What We Do

Prevention: Join Us!

  • As we support efforts to recruit African American Women who are uninsured.  The Wyandotte County Public Health Department Breast Cancer Navigator department provides early detection and initial engagement support towards those who may need to engage in medical procedures related to detection and prevention of breast cancer.

  • ICAN.Sir! Leads supports towards wellbeing that include but are not limited to spiritual healing and physical fitness

Education: Learn & Share with Us!

  • Healthy eating, physical fitness, mindfulness are just a few areas where we are developing events and partnerships.  

  • Our engagement with various organizations will allow us to keep you up-to-date on best practices for Thrivers.

Choice: Engage with Us!

  • We often think we don’t have a choice as to how we will manage our care related to a medical diagnosis.  Insurance does not support or does not fully support naturopathic care.

  • Our goal is to identify best practices for those who choose their own path to support assuring the best information is available to make the best informed decisions.

Upcoming events.

Make a donation.

Your donation will support African American women who have been affected by breast cancer.  Often there are expenses that insurance does not cover and that some organizations do not provide. 




  • If you have been diagnosed with breast cancer, you are a thriver, you are an advocate, or a mentor of a person or breast cancer issues.

  • We are a scriptural based grass root community non-profit. We believe in God, the Father, The Son and The Holy Ghost.

  • We support the fundamental need of research, patient advocates, community health workers, participatory research and are on a quest to parallel and work collaboratively in these spaces to support patients, survivors and prevention efforts using natural options towards healing and wellness.

  • We are not providing medical advice, natural advice - so no advice. We are sharing our experience and research. We do this because our experience of feeling lonely, being misunderstood, forever categorized, and always searching prompted us to build a community of others who may be experiencing the same things and or the same thing different.

Ready for an “ICAN” Life?

We provide a safe space to share your experience, trustworthy practices, holistic perspectives, best practices from medical and naturopathic experts, and transparent engagement.